Gay Business Association

The Gay Business Association (GBA) since 1983.

The GBA was formed in 1983 as a trade association to fight the inequalities we faced from hostile authorities.

Working with other groups we won legal equality, and today the GBA is a modern day gay chamber of commerce.

By Gay we mean the LGBTQ+ community.

our focus

Today, our focus is on:

Providing networking opportunities to make useful business contacts,

Training for LGBTQ+ professionals in legal, marketing, business development and employment issues

We work together with the government and others to develop the gay market and encourage gay-owned start-ups.

We hold monthly networking meetings and are operated by the Gay Professional Network, and arrange training and support in areas of interest to LGBT professionals.

Your Committee

Jean-François Dor


Ian Dodds


Laurie Powell


Mazz Image


The best place

The best place for LGBTQ+ professionals to meet new customers and business contacts.

Promote your products & services to the public

Keep up-to-date with trends and best practice

Make new friends

GBA is operated by GPN (The Gay Professional Network) which in turn is operated by Jean-Francois Dor under the banner of JFDE if you would like to join us please go to and or  see the benefits of joining at